Aplikasi berisi panduan Instruksi Kerja sesuai dengan ISO 9001 : 2008. Kami dedikasikan bagi dokter, perawat, bidan, mahasiswa prodi kesehatan baik dirumah sakit swasta, RSUD, klinik, rumah bersalin ( RB ), balai pengobatan dan Puskesmas.
Fitur Aplikasi:
- Penjahitan Luka
- Perawatan Luka
- Pengangkatan Jahitan
- Ekstraksi Kuku
- Irigasi Mata
- Visum Et Repertum
- Pemasangan Kateter
- Pemasangan EKG
- Melakukan Suction
- Pemasangan Implant
- Pencabutan Implant
- Hecting Perineum
- Pemasangan AKDR
- Huknah Glycerin
- Pemberian Obat Intracutan
- Pemberian Obat Intramuscular
- Pemberian Obat Intravena
- Pemberian Obat Subcutan
- Asma Bronkhiale
- Penatalaksanaan DM ( Diabetes Milletus )
- Penatalaksanaan Gastritis
- Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi ( darah tinggi )
- Penatalaksanaan ISPA ( infeksi saluran pernafasan akut )
- Typhoid Abdominalis
- Transfusi Darah
- Pemasangan NGT ( Nasogastric tube )
- IK terkait UGD, poli KIA / KB, Fisioterapi, Poli Umum, Radiologi, Rawat Inap, Promosi kesehetan ( promkes )
Salam Sehat
Job application guide contains instructions in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008. We are dedicated to doctors, nurses, midwives, medical students study programs both private hospital, hospitals, clinics, maternity homes (RB), clinics and health centers.
Application features:
- Tailoring Wounds
- Wound Care
- Appointment of Stitches
- Extraction Nails
- Irrigation Eyes
- Visum Et Repertum
- Installation of Catheter
- Installation of ECG
- Perform Suction
- Implants
- Implant Removal
- Hecting Perineum
- IUD insertion
- Huknah Glycerin
- Dispensing intracutan
- Dispensing Intramuscular
- Intravenous Drug
- Dispensing subcutan
- Asthma Bronkhiale
- Management of DM (Diabetes Milletus)
- Management of Gastritis
- Management of Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Management of ARI (acute respiratory infection)
- Typhoid Abdominal
- Blood Transfusion
- Installation of NGT (Nasogastric tube)
- IK related ER, poly MCH / FP, Physiotherapy, Public Poli, Radiology, Inpatient, Promotion kesehetan (promkes)
Healthy Regards